Top Ten Things Women Say/Do During Labor (And trust me… they are totally...
You’ve read about it. You’ve talked about it. You’re totally prepared for it…right? Until it actually happens, no couple can be totally ready for what they will feel, say, and do during...
View ArticleResearch Shows TENS Unit Can Ease Labor Pain
It’s been waaaaaaaaaaay too long since I have posted! It’s been really crazy busy at work and I’ve had to work some overtime to help out. But I’m back in the saddle again! So here it goes!...
View ArticleWriting Your Birth Plan: Tips from an L&D Nurse, PART 1
There have been many a time that I have written about the option of writing a birth plan, especially if one is planning a hospital birth. And some of my readers have questioned me further, asking...
View ArticleTop Ten DOs for Writing Your Birth Plan: Tips from an L&D Nurse, PART 2
If you haven’t already, please check out PART 1 of this post: Writing Your Birth Plan: Tips from an L&D Nurse. Also, at the end of this post check out a birth plan written and sent to me by one...
View ArticleSeattle Birth Photographer “Honored” To Photograph Birth
Dear NursingBirth, I came across your blog and I thought you might be interested in seeing the images from the recent home birth I photographed. I am a professional photographer, mostly I do...
View ArticleMidwife and Author of “Silent Knife” in the News!
So first the USA Today article and now this! Is it too good to be true? Is the media finally starting to come around to writing about homebirth without sensationalized headlines, damning quotes from...
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